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Market Updates

Buying Beats Renting in 22 Major U.S. Cities, including Virginia Beach, VA

That’s right—according to a recent study from Zillow, in 22 of the 50 largest metro areas, monthly mortgage payments are now lower than rent payments (see chart below): As mortgage rates have eased off their recent peak, home prices have moderated, and inventory has ticked up, affordability has improved significantly. When you add all of that up, it’s getting less expensive to buy a…

Secrets To Selling Your House Quickly

Seeing your house sit on the market without any bites is the ultimate frustration. And unfortunately, some sellers are in that tricky spot today. According to data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the average time a house spends on the market has increased over the past few years (see graph below): A recent post from notes a similar trend: “During the week…

Why Buying Now May Be Worth It in the Long Run

Should you buy a home now or should you wait? That’s a question a lot of people have these days. And while what’s right for you is going to depend on a lot of different factors, here’s something you’ll want to consider as you make your decision. As soon as you buy, you’ll start gaining equity. And…

Helpful Negotiation Tactics for Today’s Housing Market

If you haven’t already heard, homebuyers are regaining some negotiating power in today’s market. And while that doesn’t make this a buyer’s market, it does mean buyers may be able to ask for a little more. So, sellers need to be ready for that possibility and know what they’re willing to negotiate. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell a house, here’s…