Welcoming springtime in Hampton Roads, Virginia means it’s time for homeowners to check off some Spring Cleaning Home Maintenance!
Get ready for warmer weather and just freshen up the place with these 8 home maintenance tips:
Change out your furnace filters:
After working hard all winter long, changing out the filters in your furnace can prevent dust, dirt, mold spores, soot, bacteria, and allergens from building up in the air inside your home as spring weather heats up!

Inspect your roofing:
Check for any damage from all that rain we saw in Hampton Roads this winter!
Prepare your air conditioner for summer:
Test it out before the deathly Virginia heat and humidity hit!
Spring is a great time to repair/replace damaged window screens:
Start by cleaning and dusting off all your house screens. Along the way, check for any damage and repair/replace as needed.
Rake/clean up debris in the yard:

Any leaves you missed in the fall and tree branches/twigs from winter storms should be raked up from the yard to be ready to host summer BBQs!
Clean your windows, inside and out:
Spring is a great time to deep clean your windows! While the weather is warming up, but not too much yet, open up all those windows and get to work clearing any dust, grime and little fingerprints from the inside and outside. Let that sun (finally!) shine in!

Replace your welcome mat:
After the very wet couple months here in Hampton Roads, your welcome mat is probably ready to be swapped out. A destroyed, dirty mat means more dirt will get dragged into your house!
Perform a spring smoke detector test:
It’s always good to run a quick smoke detector test at the change of each season to ensure your family is safe and protected.
Time to start planning out your home maintenance plan of attack! Get your home clean, fresh and ready to welcome all this warm, springtime weather!
If a New Home is on your springtime check list, contact Eric to get started on the process of selling your home and searching for your new dream home! Check out our Free Buyer’s Guide and Free Seller’s Guide to learn more about the real estate process.
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