July 15th 2021 marks National Pet Fire Safety Day. This awareness day was created to help fur-baby moms and dads create a safety routine to be prepared for any emergency!
According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), approximately 500,000 pets are affected by fires every year; and an estimated 500 to 1,000 of those fires are accidently started by pets! Follow these tips to protect yourself, your home and your family, four-legged members included!
Cover/Remove Stove Knobs
The NFPA found the leading cause of pet-caused fires was accidentally turning on stove knobs. Use child-proofing covers to avoid any unintentional ignitions.
Avoid Unattended Open Flames
Our beloved fluffies can be curious or just straight up clumsy. Don’t leave any open flames, such as candles, lanterns, space heaters or BBQs unattended with your pet nearby.

Pet-Proof Areas of Your Home
Just like you would child-proof, pet-proof areas of your home that pose a risk to your fur baby and your home. Secure electrical wires and other potential hazards. Train your pet for staying in a crate when you aren’t home or limiting them to a pet-proofed space that is easily accessible.
Water Bowls on Wooden Decks
The American Kennel Club and ADT Security Services recommend using a plastic or metal bowl instead of a glass bowl on untreated wooden surfaces. Glass can magnify the sun’s rays and cause a fire to ignite!
In the event a fire does occur, follow these tips from the Virginia Beach SPCA:
Affix a Pet Alert Window Cling

These window decals alert firefighters to any pets living in the home. Place pet alerts near an entrance where they can easily be seen. Pet alert window stickers are available for free online Here.
Smoke alarms
Have working smoke alarms on each level of your home and test them once a month.
Keep leashes by the door
Make sure leashes and carriers are easily accessible in case you need to evacuate your home in a hurry. Having leashes on hand is also helpful if firefighters need to rescue your pet.

Create an all-inclusive evacuation plan
Be familiar with your pet’s hiding spots and include your pet when practicing fire drills so your pet is familiar with the routine.
Carrier training
Getting a cat into a carrier can be a challenge. Practice giving your cat wet food or a special treat in their carrier, giving your cat a positive association with that space. You can even try clicker training to signal your cat to get into the carrier. Practicing this will make a stressful situation like evacuating that much easier.
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If you need a more pet-friendly home for you and your furry family, contact Danielle to start your dream home search!
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