10 Ways to Winterize Your Home

icy home winterize

While our Hampton Roads winters are fairly mild, it’s still important to take some steps to prevent any damage to your home plus keep your heating bills as efficient as possible! Here’s 10 ways you can winterize your home before temperatures drop low! 1. Clean the Gutters: If you haven’t already, clear out any leaves…

A Safe Thanksgiving for Homeowners

In a few short days, we’ll be gathering around the dinner table to enjoy a big, beautiful meal that took all week to prepare, cook and serve! Although 2020 Thanksgiving may look a little different with less company and busyness, taking care to be safe around the kitchen can save you, or your house, from…

Old House or New House??

old home in the woods

If you’re shopping for a new place to live, you’ll find yourself having to choose between many different home criterias and the most frequent may be between old homes vs new homes. The decision will end up being a lot on personal preference, but there are some perks and some downfalls of either that we…